120 Science Words That Start With Y

Ava Rose

Science vocabulary grows with each grade level, and exploring science words that start with y helps students understand key concepts across different fields.

Below, we have 15 science words for each grade level, organized into tables with simple meanings.

4th Grade science words that start with y :

YolkYellow part of an egg, rich in nutrients.
YamA starchy root vegetable.
YewA long-lived tree, often evergreen.
YeastA microorganism used in baking and fermentation.
YellowfinA species of tuna fish.
YardUnit of length in measurements (3 feet).
YarrowA flowering plant used in medicine.
YellowjacketA type of wasp.
YearlingAn animal in its second year.
YakA large, long-haired ox from the Himalayas.
YellowtailA species of fish commonly found in oceans.
YokeA device used to join animals together for pulling loads.
YuccaA plant found in deserts, known for its sword-like leaves.
YouthThe early stage of an organism’s life.
YaffleThe sound made by a woodpecker.

5th Grade science words that start with y :

YeastFungus used in fermentation.
Yolk SacProvides nutrients to developing embryos.
YellowcakeUranium concentrate used in nuclear fuel production.
Yew TreeLong-lived tree species with toxic berries.
Y ChromosomeMale sex-determining chromosome in DNA.
YttriumA chemical element used in electronics and lasers.
YellowfinA type of tuna found in warm oceans.
YtterbiumA rare earth element used in high-tech devices.
YearTime it takes for Earth to orbit the sun.
YieldThe output of a chemical or agricultural process.
Yule LogTraditionally burned during winter solstice, symbolizes warmth.
YarnSpun fiber used in making fabrics.
YawningInvoluntary action, often from fatigue.
Yolk MembraneA thin layer surrounding the yolk in an egg.
Yucca PlantA plant species found in arid regions.

6th Grade science words that start with y :

YtterbiumA rare earth metal used in lasers.
YieldThe efficiency or output of a process, like crop yield.
YolkNutrient-rich part of an egg.
YawRotation around a vertical axis in physics.
YeastA fungus used in brewing and baking.
YewA tree with medicinal properties.
YttriumA chemical element used in ceramics and electronics.
YellowcakeUranium ore used for nuclear power.
YawningA reflex action, often due to tiredness.
Y-axisThe vertical axis in a graph.
Young’s ModulusA measure of a material’s stiffness.
Yolk SacThe part of an embryo providing nutrients.
YersiniaA genus of bacteria that includes the plague-causing pathogen.
YellowtailA species of fish used for food.
YucatanA region known for its biodiversity and unique ecosystems.

7th Grade science words that start with y :

Yarkovsky EffectA small force that affects asteroids due to solar radiation.
Young’s ModulusA measure of the stiffness of a material.
Yolk SacStructure providing nutrients to embryos.
YttriumA rare earth element used in lasers.
Yield StrengthThe stress at which a material begins to deform.
YawRotation of an object around its vertical axis.
Yaw StabilityStability of an object as it moves through the air.
Y ChromosomeThe male sex-determining chromosome.
Yew TreeA tree known for its strong, flexible wood.
Yeast InfectionA fungal infection caused by yeast.
Yersinia PestisThe bacterium responsible for the plague.
Yellow FeverA viral infection spread by mosquitoes.
Yolk ProteinsProteins found in the yolk, crucial for embryo development.
Yew PoisoningPoisoning caused by eating parts of the yew tree.
YellowstoneA national park known for geothermal activity.

8th Grade science words that start with y :

Y ChromosomeThe male sex chromosome, determining genetic traits.
Yttrium OxideCompound used in phosphors for LED displays.
Yolk MembraneMembrane surrounding the yolk in an egg.
Young’s Double Slit ExperimentA famous experiment demonstrating light wave behavior.
YersiniaA genus of bacteria responsible for several diseases.
Yield CurveIn physics and economics, a graph showing output over time.
YawsA tropical infection affecting skin and bones.
YellowcakeUranium concentrate used in nuclear energy production.
Yew PoisoningPoisoning from ingesting parts of the yew tree.
YttriumA rare metal used in various high-tech applications.
YawRotation around a vertical axis in mechanics.
Young’s ModulusMeasurement of material stiffness.
Yellow FeverA disease spread by mosquitoes in tropical regions.
Y-coordinateA mathematical term for a point’s position on the Y-axis.
YellowstoneA national park, home to geothermal features and wildlife.

science words that start with y (By Subject Area)

Biology :

Y ChromosomeThe male sex-determining chromosome in DNA.
Yolk SacProvides nutrients to developing embryos.
YersiniaA genus of bacteria causing illnesses like the plague.
YeastA fungus used in fermentation and baking.
Yellow FeverA viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes.
YewA tree with medicinal properties.
Yolk MembraneA membrane surrounding the yolk in an egg.
YellowjacketA type of wasp known for aggressive behavior.
YolkNutrient-rich part of an egg.
YawningAn involuntary reflex often linked to fatigue.
Yersinia PestisBacteria responsible for the plague.
YawsA skin infection caused by a bacterium.
YellowtailA type of fish consumed as food.
Yolk ProteinsProteins in an egg yolk crucial for development.
Yew PoisoningToxicity from consuming parts of the yew tree.

Chemistry :

YttriumA chemical element used in electronics and lasers.
YellowcakeUranium concentrate used in nuclear energy.
Yttrium OxideA compound used in making ceramics and LEDs.
YieldThe output from a chemical process or reaction.
YtterbiumA rare earth element used in scientific instruments.
Ytterbium-169A radioactive isotope used in cancer treatment.
Yaw StabilityA term in physics for the stability of rotating objects.
Yolk LipidsFats found in egg yolks.
Y-coordinateA mathematical term for points on the Y-axis in graphs.
YlideA neutral molecule used in organic chemistry.
Yb (Ytterbium)A symbol for the element Ytterbium.
Yellow Lead ChromateA pigment used in paints.
Yeast FermentationA process that converts sugars into alcohol.
Yield StrengthThe point at which a material deforms under stress.
Yellow PhosphorusA chemical used in making fertilizers.

maths/physics :

Y-axisThe vertical line on a graph.
Yaw StabilityStability of an object as it moves through air or space.
Yield CurveA graph showing the relationship between interest rates and time.
Y-coordinateThe vertical position of a point on a graph.
Young’s Double SlitAn experiment showing the wave-particle nature of light.
Yaw RateThe speed of rotation around an object’s vertical axis.
Yarkovsky EffectA force on asteroids due to heat radiation.
YawingDeviation of an object from its vertical axis.
Yaw ControlManaging rotation around the vertical axis, especially in aircraft.
Yb (Ytterbium)The symbol for the chemical element ytterbium.
Yield StrengthThe stress needed to permanently deform a material.
YokeA device joining two animals for pulling, often used in farming.
Yield StressThe amount of stress a material can take before deforming.

Quick Quiz: Science Words Starting With Y

  1. What is the vertical axis on a graph called?
    • Answer: Y-axis
  2. What is the nutrient-rich part of an egg?
    • Answer: Yolk
  3. Which chemical element has the symbol Y?
    • Answer: Yttrium
  4. What microorganism is used in fermentation?
    • Answer: Yeast
  5. What material property is measured by Young’s Modulus?
    • Answer: Stiffness
  6. What term describes the force affecting asteroids due to heat radiation?
    • Answer: Yarkovsky Effect


In conclusion, exploring science words starting with Y enriches our understanding of various scientific disciplines, from biology to physics and mathematics. Each term plays a crucial role in its respective field, enhancing our vocabulary and comprehension.

From fundamental concepts like yolk and yeast in biology to essential measurements like Young’s Modulus and the yaw rate in physics, these words not only serve as building blocks for scientific language but also deepen our appreciation for the intricacies of the natural world.

By incorporating these terms into educational content, students can enhance their vocabulary while gaining valuable insights into scientific principles. Engaging with quizzes and interactive learning helps reinforce knowledge and makes the learning process enjoyable.

Whether you’re a student, educator, or simply a curious mind, understanding these science terms can elevate your scientific literacy and inspire a lifelong interest in the sciences. Continue exploring, learning, and expanding your vocabulary as you delve deeper into the fascinating world of science.

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